Activities for Teens

Activities for Teens

Being a grieving teen can be tough. You’re not a child anymore, but you’re not quite an adult yet, either. Your grief is as unique as you are.

We hope it’s a comfort to know that there are other teens who are grieving, too, and although everyone is different, there are common threads that connect us in our grief.

Check out these activities for grieving teens:


Inside/Outside Feelings

An activity that allows for exploration into emotions and the “masks” we wear around others. This activity can help teens to learn their boundaries when it comes to communicating their feelings with others.

Create a Memorial Website

A list of online resources to help teens to memorialize their loved one.

I am Strong Coloring Page

An opportunity for mindfulness through coloring.

Grief Sentence Completion

Complete the sentences to reflect on your grief and your loved one.

A Handful of Thanks

A brief activity to allow for thinking about the things you are grateful for.

Six Word Story

Legend says Hemingway once won a bet to tell an entire story in six words. Create a six-word story of your own: about your grief, about your person, about your feelings…


class of 2016 by anna lance
A poem about pressure & how it feels to be a teen today.

The Shared Grief Project
Watch videos and read interviews with athletes, celebrities, and other high-profile figures who have experienced a loss.

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