Grief Triggers

What Are They?

What’s Your Grief gives us a great example of what grief triggers are: A grief trigger is anything that brings up memories related to a loss. Triggers may be obvious and easy to anticipate – like a birthday or a holiday – or they may be surprising – like spotting someone who looks like your loved one in a crowd. A grief trigger might tie to an obvious memory or emotion or it may be something that flashes into consciousness and merely leaves you with a sense of sadness and yearning.

How to Deal?

How can you combat something you might not be prepared for in the first place? 

Short answer: you might not know how, BUT you can have a tool box prepared with how to cope with them:

  • Let yourself FEEL
  • Find support
  • Balance (do what you need: half memorial, half for you)
  • Know that it’s OKAY

Grief triggers can come from momentous events or occasions, or slight occurrences throughout the day. Know that what you’re feeling is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL and VALID. Allow yourself the time and space you need. 

Here are some activities to work through your grief triggers:

  • Meditation
  • Physical activities
  • Something to ease your mind
  • Journaling
  • Talking to someone you trust
  • Is there anything else you can think of?

While there might not be any rhyme or reason for a grief trigger, you can move through a grief trigger. Be sure to ask your SandCastles Staff for other resources you might need. Stay well, friends!

Jasmine Kendrick

SandCastles Student Intern

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